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User roles and permissions

Alfresco uses roles to determine what a user can and cannot do in a space. These roles are associated with permissions.
The following table shows each role and the permissions for that role. As a general rule:
- Users have all rights in their own spaces
- Administrators have all rights in all spaces

All permissions apply to the invited space Owner (1) Coordinator管理者 Collaborator编辑者 Contributor Editor Consumer阅览者
See invited space
View content
Copy content
Preview content in template
View content properties
Check in content to invited space
Checkout content to different space
Update/edit content created by other users
Update properties for content created by other users
Edit existing discussions
Create/add new content (1)
Cut/delete content created by other users
Create child spaces in the invited space
View content rules
Checkout content to same space. (2)
Contribute to existing discussions
Invite others
Start new discussion topic
Delete content created by other users
Same access rights as content owner
Take ownership of content
Create space rules

(1) A creator automatically owns their own created content.
(2) Because an editor cannot create a new file in the invited space.

All permissions are based on the default permission model. Your system administrator can fine-tune the model. For example, an editor can be prevented from editing topic discussions.

You can grant permission for users to do specific tasks in your space. You do this by inviting users to join your space.

Each role applies only in the space in which it is assigned. For example, you could invite a user to one of your spaces as an editor. You could invite that same user to a different space as a collaborator. That same user could be invited to someone else's space as a coordinator.

